Sailor Moon Uniform Coin Purse Wallet

Great Eastern Entertainment


Sailor Moon is a massively successful Japanese manga and animation series that was first published in 1991. It was adapted into an animated series in 1992 and featured many successful seasons as well as a few full-length feature films. The series follows the adventures of a young girl named Usagi Tsukino as her life is turned upside-down after meeting a magical talking cat who grants her the power to fight evil in the name of the moon! She later becomes a part of a larger group of magical warriors, all inspired by the different planets. The iconic Sailor Moon characters are warriors of justice and beauty and possess captivating and playful personalities.




Moon Prism Power, Make Up! This cute snap wallet is perfect for any Sailor Moon fan! Measuring 8" by 4," this standard-size snap wallet features plenty of room and a smooth black lining inside.

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Barcode: 699858613601