Mushroom Vintage Ringer T-Shirt White and Red

This vintage Mushroom t-shirt is made from a cotton/polyester blend in the USA.
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A few years ago, we searched the internet for old photos and live band performances from The Mushroom's extensive past. Though social media has its issues, we have been able to find some really awesome old photos and videos from The Mushroom's earlier days over the years. In recent years, past customers of The Mushroom have been posting pictures and videos of their personal experiences in our shop. It's really fun to find old camcorder footage (that's right young ones, camcorder. Look it up!) of bands playing in the vinyl room or pictures of artists like Rage Against the Machine doing an autograph-signing(c 1992).


One of our Instagram-savvy coworkers came across a really awesome picture recently of local music legend Professor Long Hair. He was wearing this t-shirt design on an old-school black and white baseball tee. We are not entirely sure what year it was taken, but our best guess is sometime in the early eighties. We were awestruck. 


Long story short, we thought it was really cool and decided to reintroduce it into The Mushroom's clothing line. Oh, man, are we glad we found this design. This logo represents a lost era of the record store business. It represents the glory days of records stores. This vintage design symbolizes a critical time in the Mushroom's history. We could not be more proud to have such a long history in the record business. Thank you, Professor Long Hair!


The Mushroom is proudly the oldest Smoke Shop, Record Store, and Gift Shop in New Orleans since 1969. We have many generations of patrons who hold The Mushroom in a special place in their hearts. Many of these gracious patrons do us the honor of making our Mushroom Brand Products some of the best-selling items in our store. These customers love the chance to rep quality t-shirts from one of their favorite places in NOLA. These t-shirts and other Mushroom products are great gift items as well. We greatly appreciate all the generations of patrons that have kept us in business over the years!

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