Dead Kennedys - Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death


Following the demise of the Dead Kennedys, the band's vocalist Jello Biafra released a greatest hits compilation album called “Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death.” Many of the tracks are rerecorded versions and even some unreleased songs are only played in live sets. The album also features a unique moment where the band is playing live in Portland and a guitar string repair leads an iconic Biafra story over a jazzy groove.



Although not always mentioned, the Dead Kennedys (DK) are one of the great punk bands to emerge from the genre's earliest days. Hailing from San Francisco, DK was one of the best hardcore bands on the West Coast, influencing the genre musically with their surf and rockabilly sensibilities and politically with their charged, often ruthless lyricism. Lead vocalist Jello Biafra’s iconic voice and antics also helped make the band one of the most influential punk bands. From running for mayor to a protracted legal battle with Al Gore’s wife, Biafra was an activist who inspired punks to do more than whine and complain in glorified social clubs.




  1. Police Truck
  2. Too Drunk to F***
  3. California Uber Alles
  4. The Man with the Dogs
  5. Insight
  6. Life Sentence
  7. A Child and His Lawnmower
  8. Holiday in Cambodia
  9. Night of the Living Rednecks
  10. I Fought the Law
  11. Saturday Night Holocaust
  12. Pull My Strings
  13. Short Songs
  14. Straight A's
  15. Kinky Sex Makes the World Go Round
  16. The Prey
  17. Buzzbomb from Pasadena


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